确实很好看但感觉中段之后depth散掉了话说回来Otis这个怂货实在令人感觉代入感太强了……世事往往如此:上不了妹纸的治疗师恋爱障碍的妈妈桑如果有一天你不是这样paradoxical他人对你的信任或爱也就失去了motive因为化为“病号”的你自己当然不可能对同类再具有attraction. 可如果你是这样的你就似乎总也不能享受到“受试者”们在私人感受上被治愈的幸福或完满——所有的analytical thesis都需要observer不投入其中的客观性但久而久之观察者就会越来越羡慕自己观察的世界——但这其实不可以Everyone has its role, so you can't occupy all. As to my story, it's always about letting go. 新年愿望是:磨炼出一颗冷酷的心(对自己)和温暖的行为(对他人)你不会因为自己的emotion这种bug去诅咒别人大家都乐呵这是幸福的
I even have saw this film, and haven't wrote some words. I have watched it for almost a year, but I still have a deep memory. It's that our life can't be effected even trapped by some people, especially your parents or Couple. Other words, their words just be referred you should listen to yourself voices from your heart.