You are in pain.But the thing you lost is the same thing that can stop that pain. Happiness is amazing.It’s so amazing ,it doesn’t matter if it’s yours or not. A society grows great when old men plant trees the shade which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people.Tha’s it.The end.
情景再现的MV略破坏气氛甜美的咬痕动漫全集在线观看还是好好看画吧波提切利谜一样复杂有坚韧的金属味(是因为拍摄的光吗确实在几张同题材画作中闪耀出众)有细腻朦胧有脆弱内敛有戏剧性叙事有超前的3D和直视观众的女性肖像有阴森恐怖的地狱… 所谓的perfection也包含了和谐的意味吧画作像portal into that world, 结尾很直接地给佛罗伦萨打了广告:he awaits… 后来那么多水中出浴表现美的题材是不是多少被他的维纳斯影响到了 无论是洛伦佐还是教皇把艺术作为工具确实是个路子毕竟受众很难判断慑人的魅力之源究竟是艺术还是宗教