8/29@深影 触视味听嗅五感通达初雪后的苦柚滋味部分段落虽低帧也无损于流畅动人的节奏传递法国人宿命式的浪漫不免要死要活被CAO的奶水直喷高H最后那一跃却也带出全新希望challenge destiny and the deviation of it, and how we as individuals can shape our own path.
A very great musical (If you view it as a musical 不过如果真的是个musical的话有些事情就做不到了 所以电影对细节的补充还是很出色的 不过也正是因为这些对细节的补充让有些缺点突出了 如其中剧情不太出彩 歌舞非常engaging 画面上contrast很重 有种“超现实主义”的感觉 gender roles are also interesting It’s also more interesting when you put it into its time context