第一集水准之上竟然还有liam客串结尾的wanna be也点睛之笔了每一首歌都好赞哦完全是我爱的who do you think you are 我太爱了历时好久终于看完了明明是喜剧最后却看哭整部剧的歌曲真的太赞了liam最后一集也出现了好感动善良的嫂子3真的是一部好剧
After all these years watching DesperateHousewives I found out that Bree is the one I never hated. I once disliked Gaby being too selfish Susan being too dumb Lynnette being too strong but how can u blame someone for being too perfect? Even for being a slut,she is the elegant one