非常entertaining和dark; but u r basically portraying an Asian woman helping with the white establishment to oppress Black faculty… I mean I know the message is perhaps that the Asian woman has no choice, but at least show more of her struggle… right now it looks like she’s ready to pander, stead of answering to her promise of shaking up the place
第一季无疑是满分裙下之神虽然主角史蒂芬男性但是整部剧其实主要是在刻画身边的宝石人女性(虽然宝石人无性别但是剧里用的都是her可以看出其实是女性)并且强大有战斗力的都是女性哪怕是普通人类莎蒂 我还爱惨了garnet她本身就是红蓝宝石爱情的结晶还象征了les那首《17岁高清免费观看完整版》怎么也听不厌“you're never gonna stop what we made together ”这句歌词也可以解释女权