好多熟人客串 很有趣的俩个cranky老头 Norman讲话可好玩 im a fountain of knowledge drink from me真的是always a joy哈哈哈 哎ep2的悼词ep3看到那条裙子的breakdown 虽然看到他们说life is beautiful its worth living但是我还是不想活到这么老
側面反應主流價值一貫貶低nerds和geeks對be a man錯誤理解再引申一下就是傳統性別定位等等一系列shits主角自己也深受其害不過主角越銼越有斗志這點很棒問題這個劇的場景不夠萌看劇透要不要跳到最後一季看高級實驗室啊(你夠了)但是美國中學實驗器材貌似比大學實驗室還專業⋯⋯orz
22/10/26:的鼻祖潘金莲现在来看第一季案件程序的普法向有点过In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: the police, who investigate crime; and the district attorneys, who prosecute the offenders. These are there stories.